September 2, 2009

Wife modeling vintage pin-up girl lingerie

(click on picture to see at full size)
  • Location: North Carolina, USA
  • Owner: She's 40 years old, works as a nurse, 5' 8", 125 pounds.
  • Lingerie: Pin-up undies from Secrets In Lace: black sheer full brief panties in size Medium, 1950's style Bullet Bra in sheer nylon in size 36C, Old-style garters,
    two-toned stockings with black seam running up the back of the leg.
  • Sent in by: Husband


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is nice site (and sight), it is not a put down to women. Quite the opposite, ladies, you win, we can't compete, a Boxer Shorts site wouldn't get off the ground. It's a delight in shareing, like holding of hands in a special moment. Appreciating another.

It's humor, like giggling at a breeze, the lift of a skirt, a raised eyebrow, a sideward glance, the brush of a leg, a hand in the small of your back. A feel of silk, the wonder of a curve, the careing in it all.

It's the fun of calling them a pair when there is only one, or straight leg briefs covering curves, the boy leg briefs that don't reach to the leg, the name "brief" when they cover all there is to cover, a splash of color, a peek of fine lace, the memory of romance, what might have been, what might be, anticipation, joy, shared intimacy, trust, admiration, secrets, posessions, each other.

Zha Zha Gabour, queen of glamour a previous generation, said her very glamourous mother had told her girls, "It is not the amount of bare skin that attracts a man, it is the way the covered skin suggests there is more that could be uncovered."

Interestingly, women always remain "girls" to men. Long ago the French noticed the intrigue and exclaimed, "Viva le difference."

It's the over the shoulder glance, the lift of the lips, a cheek on a chest, the feel of an arm, the softness of a breast, the wonder of a Wonder Bra, the sight of a panties lined in the shower, the curve of a back, the smell of clean hair, the touch, the look, the thought, the trust, shared spaces.

Panties suggest all of these to a man.

The woman over 60 with pretty curves delights her husband, the single girl who sends pictures understands men, the brother sends pictures of sister's panties because he is proud of her, the coworker is inspired enough to send in pictures in appreciation. Ladies, we honor you for being what we cannot be, that which complements us. A complement is that which completes.

I'm annonymous, you're annonymous, but you are appreciated. We thank you for being bold enough, careing enough, to share your moments with us. We love you each. Women ...girls!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. This is a very fine photo of a woman who is blessed with a wonderful figure, sensational legs and a womanliness that is to die for.
Thanks to her husband also, for by his posting, we also have been blessed.

Have a picture of a pair of panties?

Send it to Real Panties at or @realpanties and show them to the world! Click here for details.