April 17, 2012

Woman in nylon panties with black slip

(click on picture to see at full size)
  • Location: Butte, Montana
  • Owner: Age 49. (She likes to show what she wears!)
  • Panties: Size 6, Vanity Fair nylon panties, with black lace slip size 34
  • Photo taken and Sent in by: Lover.


  1. Another great image from an obviously sexy lady in Montana! I especially enjoy Vanity Fairs and hope she will continue to model and post. Some front view would be nice but any similar to this are good too.

    I bet she takes the edge off the cold windy winters. Lucky man, keep posting

  2. Excellent Picture. Vf panties are so yummy. PLEASE post more !!!!

  3. Very nice....I'm moving to Montana

    Would love to be her fan olandirk@yahoo.com

  4. What a nice sexy picture, I will dream tonight that is for sure. She has my attention , and has me at attention. I'm a 20 y/o male, and the girls of my age cannot pull this off, they don't know what sexy is. They think that the more you show the sexy you are. But its what you hide with sexy coverings of nylon and lace that really does it. Tony F. frontony50@optimum.net

  5. Very nice, thank you !!!!
    Wonderful picture showing mine favorite items- full cut panties and half slip mmmmmmmmm
    What brand are the slip ?
    Would love to buy some slips like that for my wife (and then you would get to see them on this site :)

  6. In the words of Frank Zappa, "I might be moving to Montanta soon".

  7. This is one beautiful woman! In my view, women who where substantive nylon panties are like a five star hotel! How sad that so many women today have lost a sense for what constitutes real femininity and eroticism. Like a former entry remarked, bodies that are tastefully veiled are far more alluring than crass nudity. Each to his own, but I think this picture reveals a warm and very giving sensuality. May she and her lover enjoy many warm embraces!

  8. Please my fellow appraisers, do observe closely, the delicately suggestive folds of satin so near her cleft, fantastique! Three thumbs way up.
